Sunday, January 9, 2011


Run a Marathon
Find gainful employment
Own my own car
More time with God
Noticable character changes
Teach a church class
Repay much of my debt
Get my own place
Finish my book
Go on a mission

Year after year sneaks by me and I barely seem to notice them anymore. I have achieved a point in my life that I really want for nothing. Still, I have yet to figure out how to get rid of some of my basic needs, you know the kinds: food, water, oxygen. Someday I will be called home and not need these things anymore, but for now, I'll work with them.

The above list is 10 things that I set out to accomplish in 2010, and sadly, I only managed to work my way through 3 of them; and set up the fulfillment of a fourth. Much of my debt is gone, I worked through a book with a group of guys at my church that I facilitated the group and I've managed to rid myself of some of my less than attractive character flaws. Just a couple though, after all, if I change completely will I even know who I am anymore.

Those two led to a third that I accomplished, spending more time with God. I went to church about the same number of times but I believe that I spent more time in prayer and contemplation. I involved myself in men's ministry to a point that I was all but required to pray for guidance on many occasions. And the fourth thing, I am heading on a mission here in the first part of February to the lovely country of Cambodia.

Four of ten!! The pessimist in me is screaming that I'm a lazy, no-good failure, that my exploits in 2010 mean very little and I shouldn't bother patting myself on the back, but the screaming optimist within me is shouting that I've made steps. I'm getting there. There is still a ways to go, but the end is in sight. So for 2011, I've managed to come up with a few things to replace the old.

Top 10
Run a Marathon (no injuries this year, please)
Go on that Mission (leave Feb 3rd)
Get a car (el Camino if you please)
Find a place to live
Pay back what I borrowed
Climb a mountain higher than 10,000 feet.
Go on a packing trip for more than 4 days
Visit out-of-town friends more frequently
Finish both of my books (yes, I'm writing 2 of them now)
Begin discipleship with someone

2011 is a week over, but that isn't that far behind.