Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I got a bug! No, I'm not sick, well, actually I am sick, but nothing that I won't get over in a little time. This is a different kind of bug.

I'm told that when people start to get tattoos they just have a way of wanting to get more and more. Sure you can fight the urge and many people I know only have one that they got in the service years and years ago, but it seems that people with tattoos, want more of them.

I imagine that this is the way an addict feels when they get that itch in the back of their mind saying that they need to use again. Once they use, they don't feel it quite so badly. I'm coming off my high from my recent trip but am almost certain that in a month I'm going to want to travel somewhere else. My passport stamps look strangely alone in that this book.

Next trip, I don't know where it will take me. Maybe Israel, China, Australia, all would be equally amazing. I just have to listen carefully to where God is leading me. I'll go where he calls and be glad to do it. So my next adventure is out there, and I can already feel the itch starting. I need to go somewhere. Nevermind the hours in a plane or the week of sickness after. Those are a small price to pay to see the world in the hands of God.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I'm not sure what to expect of the next few weeks, but it will see me in 3 foreign countries and travelling over 14,000 miles. I'm not really excited about the trip in and of itself. I'm more excited about what it is God wants me to learn, see, do, while I'm in Cambodia.

A year ago now, Ted Albreicht spoke at my church and invited people to look into missions work for themselves. I began dialogue with some of the council because I felt like it was something that I was supposed to do. Moving ahead til now, I've raised the money and about have my stuff packed.

So, Why am I not excited? If anything I feel a bit fearful. Not for my own health, for the success of the trip, or for even my safety; I'm afraid of what it is that God has in store for me. Too much of my life I have sat and watched other people do things and this is really my first time that I've followed the prompting that I needed from the divine and went.

What will I see? What will happen? I'm not sure, but it is not an overwhelming fear, more like the kind you get when standing on a bridge about to jump into water from some great height. It's been done before by others and you aren't afraid of success, just how you will change as a result of the leap.

Here I go, I'm leaping.