Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cactus and a Flame Thrower

So as far as pastors go, mine is awesome. Steve Erickson is the associate pastor where I attend and he seldom actually speaks but when he does they are usually characterized by some weird collection of quotes and quite a few of them tend to be... well... bizarre.

Senior Pastor was gone today and, you guessed it, that meant a message by Steve. I was forewarned as to the nature of Steve's antics for the day by the head of men's ministry, who announced my class I'm teaching, and made me wave to the entire church. After all, if he's uncomfortable, then you have to be, too.

Steve's messages are usually short, but today, it was longer than his normal, but I'm fairly sure that nobody paid attention to the length, we were too concerned with the Strawberry plant that Steve made. Yes, Steve made a strawberry plant. How, do you ask? Why, by sticking strawberries to a cactus of course.

Today's lesson was from Luke, John the Baptist in the desert announce the one that was coming that he was not fit to lace his sandals, and he would baptize in the Holy Spirit and Fire. Steve spent a fair amount of time explaining the nature of fire, how it consumes, mars, changes the nature of things, and tempers. He promptly demonstrated these things on a paper doll, enter the flamethrower, or at least a propane torch, that he used, in the sanctuary, to a collected intake of breath from the front row.

Eccentric, yes, crazy, yes, and he'll admit them both himself, but at least it makes church interesting.

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