So, I finally did it, here at last is one of my devotionals from the day, and don't mind the spelling or the grammar, or even if you disagree with what I'm saying, it is mine after all, and you are either an internet ninja or a friend of mine, so spare my feelings, and just take it as my own interpretation of what God is telling me today.
In John 5:39-40 Jesus says, " You search the scriptures because you think they give you eternal life, but the scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life."
God doesn't life in the words on the page, yet he speaks to us from them. As a human we go places to find God and forget we don't need to go to a "place". He certainly is there also, but we tend to limit his ability to be with us. God is there, no matter where "there" is, and many of us refuse to see him, even when he is holding out his arms and reaching for us, to embrace us with a fatherly hug. We forget that God works through the hearts of people around us, whether it's a phone call from a friend or a chance encounter with someone that is dear to you. His reach is infinite and we cannot begin to understand how he reaches into our lives.
The chair next to me, the passenger seat in my car, behind me in line, whereever it is, I lean towards forgetting that God is everywhere, and constantly my companion. Never is he condescending and always is he encouraging, when I forget he is there, when I step on someone, or when I just plain fall on my face, he always lifts me up and brushes the dust off my coat. Embraces me as his own and gives me the motivation to continue on my pursuit of him. He constantly reminds me to seek him even when I don't pay attention, and loves to take me by surprise with an old friend, or someone that I've been thinking about lately.
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