Monday, March 28, 2011

Arms out to God

Desperately people are seeking the attention of a father and from time to time you still will find one that fills the roll in a proper manner. Many children grow up today and miss out on the love and companionship of a father in their life. They don't know what is missing, only that something IS missing.

I remember being a young boy and standing on the edge of a pool. I was afraid to be in the water because I couldn't swim. I still don't swim well, but the difference is I know that I'm protected when I get into the water. When I was young, there was always mom or dad to keep you from drowning. Hurling yourself off the side of the pool was the way you played, often into water that was many times deep than your own head.

A few years ago, my oldest nephew was about 3 and my brother-in-law was crossing the street. Oblivious to his peril, he ran towards the road, we luckily caught up to him in time before he go into the street, but he ran, arms out seeking his father to lift him up.

In a life that is often times filled with pain and turmoil, we must remember that we can still jump from the side of the pool or run with arms reaching out into the arms of our father. God has a way of puting people into our path when we need them the most. It may not be God himself, but he is acting through the love of those that are closest to us to lift us up and to make us strong.

Remember that He is there, that He is waiting for us to come crying to him, and most important, He is waiting to lift us up.

1 comment:

  1. Immediately the "Hungry (Falling on my knees)" album popped into my head when I started reading this post. If you haven't heard it, highly recommended, and it has been a while so definitely going to dust that one off and add back into the rotation.

