Thursday, May 5, 2011

Robinson Briand

I spend much of my day working with two guys that challenge me in ways that I never imagined that I needed to be challenged. I'm constantly on my guard for what I say, how I react to people, and what my attitude is. I'll write about both of them but today I want to talk about Robby a bit.

Robby is from the Marshall Islands. I don't know where that is exactly, but he remembers it being exotic. Compared to where we live now, in the middle of a desert, anywhere would almost be exotic. When he was 5 he moved to Salem, where his parents still live today, but he has opted to learn independence from the people here at Mark 2.

During a typical week we do a ton of work. We dump trash, set up and take down the club room, pull weeds, mow lawns, and clean some condos. The two of them do more work than you can expect most normal people to accomplish in a given amount of time. Robby especially. He works tirelessly and gets frustrated when the rest of us aren't working as hard as he is. He motivates me to keep moving, even when I'm tired.

One of Robby's favorite things to do is go running. He runs and runs and runs, and when he's motivated, you have to actually stop him from running his legs off. The other day he ran for over 3 miles. I dont' make that kind of effort very often, and we stopped him because we didn't want him to be exhausted for the next day.

I learn a lot from this kid, and am constantly suprised by his understanding of God and the simple things that God has provided for us. Nothing is simple to Robby, everything is a great gift. Getting to know him has been a blessing.

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