Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Morning Prayer

It's morning, early, and you are awake. It's a Tuesday and you really don't know why you have crawled out of bed at 5 am. You stumble into the kitchen and begin to brew a pot of coffee. The smell of the fresh grounds wake you a bit and the tell tale sound of an empty water tank draw you back to fill up your mug and that first big wiff of fresh coffee. Your head starts to clear and you remember why you are up so early.

Tuesday morning at 6, the men of Springfield Faith Center have started to gather to pray for each other, themselves, the church, but most of all, their families. There have been some amazing things going on over the last few weeks and the hand of God can clearly be seen every week.

Healings, provision, protection, you name it, things have been happening. These mornings are a struggle for me some times, but I know that it's more important to me that I'm there, and that it's important for my faith to see these things take place. I love being there and hearing all the things get prayed for, but more than that, I love to have my own prayers lifted up during a time that I set aside to spend with God.

We're going to continue to be there, and things are going to continue to happen. The hand of God is mighty and we only need to ask for his glory to take place.

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