Monday, April 12, 2010


Tonight I went to small group and spent some time with a few brothers talking about how we connect with the Lord. I admit that I was lost for most of the conversation, but I did have a few insights and points that I thought were relevant that I was willing to share, but that's not what this is about. It's about the rain.

After we met, I sat on my bike talking with one of the brothers for a little while and the rain started to drum down softly on my head. I started to think about several things, first that I had to ride in it but second that the rain catches on the road and will attach to the tire and finally end up on my butt. Rain this time of year is still cold by the way.

Riding in the rain I was getting beyond soaked, but I didn't even care. It was dark and a bit cold and I couldn't see a thing. My glasses were starting to get covered in water and in the dark, I just couldn't see 20 feet in front of me, so I had to slow down and rely on the stream of cars coming by in order to see anything at all. Then it hit me, I need to slow down, we all need to slow down.

I've been running through life so fast lately that I don't realize that I can't see what's right in front of me some times. Those are times when I need to slow down and let my brothers come along side me and help me see what is right in front of me and I can't see it for myself. I'm in the process of realizing this when I got onto my road and almost home.

That's when the rain really picked up, kicked in, or however you want to say it, and I was getting drenched. I was hit by rain from above and below, and blasted in the face with the Holy Spirit. Riding along I started to laugh, and boy did I laugh. I almost wrecked, but I didn't care. I was loving God and realized that He was loving me. So bring on the Rain.

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