Friday, February 26, 2010

Trying something tonight

So it's Friday night, and I realize how much of a complete loser this makes me that I'm sitting here typing on my blog rather than out doing something fun. The truth is I don't even know what would be considered fun to me. Sure there could be spending time with friends, going to movies, LAN parties, all sorts of things, but I'm just not interested tonight. So I'm sitting here drinking coffee watching old corny movies on NetFlix.

Unfortunately, I'm still bored. Bored to tears really. Humans weren't made to be alone, especially on Friday night. There is really very little to do around this silly old town that I'm beginning to wonder why I'm still here. The short answer is, I really have no idea. I would say that I'm stuck here, but I'm really not. There is nothing keeping me here. I'm single, don't have a job, and the best thing that I can think to do on Friday night is sit and drink coffee and watch Bruce Willis sing songs while he's robbing the Louvre.

How sad does this really make me? Not very. When I get to bored I'll just go to bed, not that I think I could really sleep, after all, I've been drinking coffee all night. I'm sure I've got a book somewhere that I haven't read a dozen times, that could occupy me, but not really interested in reading. The options are getting worn down, and the more that I sit and think about it, the sadder my life is really shaping up to be.

So tonight I'm trying this. I'm trying to complain about my life but at the same time keep myself optimistic; it's not working very well. Tomorrow is Saturday, and if I end up sitting at home being all lame and have a follow up to this filth, I'll be really worried.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you're leaving a few details out of this blog...haha
