Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life in the Slow Lane

When I went off to college I needed some way to get around, so before I went I purchased a bike that I could ride around campus and the area around school. I didn't want some cheap piece of junk so I spent around $400 for the thing, and sure enough, my roommate had a car so I rarely rode the thing. Over the next four years I continued to seldom ride the thing and after having it stolen twice and borrowed for 3 months by a friend, I returned home from school with a nearly brand new bike.

Move forward a few years. I have never really lived anywhere that I couldn't walk to places that were close by or that I could take public transport so I was always in a car nearly everywhere that I went. I've become accustom to driving and the freedom of the open road. The last 2 years has seen a change in my transportation habits that is starting to annoy me.

There is nothing quite like a suspended drivers license. It's a way for the DMV to say we don't trust you driving a car anymore, and it sucks. One thing about it though, that bike of mine would never be taken for nearly 10 years old and this town isn't so big that you can't get there on a bike, so for the last several months I've been getting used to the city bus and where the bike paths go. It's not a bad ride across town and can actually be more relaxing along the river than on the road. Riding is always slower, but I'm getting in the habit of slowing down. Who knows? I might learn to drive the speed limit soon, when I get my lisence of course.

I don't mind taking it easy, but I like a box of steel around me and 4 wheels toward freedom. Maybe someday they'll trust me to drive again, but until then I get to live life in the slow lane.

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