Monday, August 10, 2009

Vacation Bible School

There is nothing quite like being type-cast. When I was in college, I took part in the student directed plays and found out that I can be another person, if only for a short while, and pull it off well enough that it's believable. Twice during my senior year I played a character that was cocky, arogant, and many other kinds of ass-hole.

This week is Vacation Bible School at my church and I got pulled into the skit that is going on, or at least the part that went on last night. Of course, I landed the part of the senator, and he's, well... pompous and arrogant. I'm beginning to notice a pattern. I wonder If I'll ever really escape these kinds of rolls if and when I'm in another play.

For the beginning of the week and this skit, I've been helping out with the elementry school VBS and having a blast at it. After Tuesday, however, I'm headed to Cottage Grove to help with the middle school camp which is actually an over night camp, but I don't have to really respond to the kids while I'm there. I'm going as support for the leaders and to help clean up and set up the events that are taking place. I'm looking forward to it, not because I really want to help out at the camp, but who I get to spend time with.

The leader of Men's Ministry at SFC is Paul Blancher and he'll be doing the exact same thing that I am for the week and I get to room with him for the last few days of the week. In the evening I believe that we are watching some good "Man" movies and getting to spend time in fellowship.

It ought to be a good time and I'm really looking forward to the time with Paul and getting to know him.

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